
POST /api/devices/{deviceId}/locations

This endpoint allows you to submit location data for a specific device in the satellite tracking application. It is useful for updating the system with new location information for the device.

Request Details

The request is made using the POST method at the /api/devices/{deviceId}/locations URL. You must replace {deviceId} with the actual ID of the device you want to update.

Request Parameters

This endpoint requires the deviceId parameter to be included in the URL path.

Parameter Type Required Description
deviceId string Yes The unique identifier of the device to update.

Request Body Parameters

The body of the request must include a JSON object with the location data for the device.

Field Type Required Description
from string Yes Start date and time of the location data, in ISO 8601 format.
to string Yes End date and time of the location data, in ISO 8601 format.
location object Yes The location data object.

Within the location field, the object has the following fields:

Field Type Required Description
dateTime string Yes Date and time of the location, in ISO 8601 format.
latitude number Yes Latitude of the location.
longitude number Yes Longitude of the location.
speed number No Speed at the location.
course number No Course (direction) at the location.
battery integer No Battery level of the device at the location.
fuel integer No Fuel level of the device at the location.
fuel2 integer No Secondary fuel level at the location.
temperature number No Temperature measured at the location.
temperature2 number No Secondary temperature measured at the location.
sensorTime1 integer No Sensor 1 time at the location.
sensorTime2 integer No Sensor 2 time at the location.
sensorTime3 integer No Sensor 3 time at the location.
sensorTime4 integer No Sensor 4 time at the location.
inactiveSeconds integer No Inactive seconds at the location.
rpm integer No Revolutions per minute at the location.
milleage number No Mileage at the location.
warningTexts array No Warning texts at the location.
alertTexts array No Alert texts at the location.
alerts array No Alerts at the location.
warnings array No Warnings at the location.
hasCriticalAlert boolean No Indicates if there are critical alerts at the location.
attributes object No Additional attributes at the location.
accessoriesAttributes array No Additional attributes of accessories at the location.
inputs array No State of the inputs at the location.
outputs array No State of the outputs at the location.

Authentication Required

Authentication required to use the endpoint is via a Bearer token. This authentication method implies that each request must include an authorization header with a valid access token. This Bearer token acts as a credential that verifies the identity of the user or application making the request, ensuring that only authorized entities can modify the user's information. By requiring this type of authentication, the Plaspy system guarantees a high level of security and access control, protecting users' data against unauthorized access.

Example Request

POST /api/devices/device123/locations HTTP/1.1 Host: api.plaspy.com Authorization: Bearer {token} Content-Type: application/json { "from": "2024-06-01T00:00:00Z", "to": "2024-06-01T23:59:59Z", "location": { "dateTime": "2024-06-01T12:00:00Z", "latitude": 40.712776, "longitude": -74.005974, "speed": 60.5, "course": 180.0, "battery": 85, "fuel": 50, "fuel2": 50, "temperature": 22.5, "temperature2": 22.0, "sensorTime1": 1234567890, "sensorTime2": 1234567891, "sensorTime3": 1234567892, "sensorTime4": 1234567893, "inactiveSeconds": 120, "rpm": 3000, "milleage": 15000, "warningTexts": ["Engine Check"], "alertTexts": ["Speeding"], "alerts": ["High Speed"], "warnings": ["Low Fuel"], "hasCriticalAlert": true, "attributes": { "customAttribute1": "value1", "customAttribute2": "value2" }, "accessoriesAttributes": [ { "accessoryType": "sensor", "accessoryStatus": "active" } ], "inputs": [true, false, true], "outputs": [false, true] } }

Response Parameters

The response from this endpoint includes details about the success of the operation and any errors that may have occurred.

Field Type Required Description
success boolean Yes Indicates whether the request was successful.
error string No Error message in case the request fails.
apiUsage integer No API usage in the current request.
apiDailyUsage integer No Daily API usage.
locations array No List of location objects if the request was successful. Each object contains detailed information about the location.

Example Successful Response

{ "success": true, "apiUsage": 150, "apiDailyUsage": 3000, "locations": [ { "dateTime": "2024-06-01T12:00:00Z", "latitude": 40.712776, "longitude": -74.005974, "speed": 60.5, "course": 180.0, "battery": 85, "fuel": 50, "fuel2": 50, "temperature": 22.5, "temperature2": 22.0, "sensorTime1": 1234567890, "sensorTime2": 1234567891, "sensorTime3": 1234567892, "sensorTime4": 1234567893, "inactiveSeconds": 120, "rpm": 3000, "milleage": 15000, "warningTexts": ["Engine Check"], "alertTexts": ["Speeding"], "alerts": ["High Speed"], "warnings": ["Low Fuel"], "hasCriticalAlert": true, "attributes": { "customAttribute1": "value1", "customAttribute2": "value2" }, "accessoriesAttributes": [ { "accessoryType": "sensor", "accessoryStatus": "active" } ], "inputs": [true, false, true], "outputs": [false, true] } ] }

Example Error Response

Error 400 (Bad Request) Response

{ "success": false, "error": "Bad Request", "apiUsage": 150, "apiDailyUsage": 3000 }

Error 500 (Internal Server Error) Response

{ "success": false, "error": "Internal Server Error", "apiUsage": 150, "apiDailyUsage": 3000 }

This endpoint is essential for updating the location data of a device within the Plaspy system. It allows users to submit detailed and up-to-date location information for a specific device, ensuring accurate tracking and monitoring.


We answer all support request within 24 business hours approximately, If you have a question that needs an immediate resolution, please contact us by other way.

We answer you in business hours, as soon as possible. We are located in Bogotá, Colombia, time zone (GMT-5).

Last modification: 2024-06-06 17:54:35